Harriet Chang, Ph.D.
Project Scientist, RIRC (part time)
Dr. Chang has been working in the urological fields for over 10 years. Her predoctoral training was with Dr. William C. de Groat, who is recognized as one of the world leaders in research on neural control of bladder function. Dr. de Groat received the Reeve-Irvine Research medal in 2009 for his fundamental studies in this area. Dr. Chang’s expertise is in pharmacological modulation of bladder function following spinal cord injury (SCI).
Dr. Chang is currently funded by NIH/NIDDK to investigate the urethral function by using spinal cord epidural stimulation (SCS) in the rodent model of SCI. SCS is a well-developed and widely used technique on neuromodulation, especially for neuropathic pain and the recent studies of locomotion.