Giving in the year of Covid

Finally, I come to giving. I'm actually writing this on Giving Tuesday. Every year I emphasize how donations to RIRC are so important, and this is even more true this year because our most important fundraiser (Turkey Trot) was cancelled. However, there's also an enormous need to help people in need due to job loss, and so many other things resulting from the pandemic.
This year, Steward family giving will try to do our part to help others in need. At the same time, people living with spinal cord injury are also in need of new treatments and cures. Many of you have been amazingly generous in supporting particular research projects, but we also need "un-restricted" donations to allow totally innovative ideas to be tested.
So, after you've considered contributing to help p those who have been impacted by Covid, if you have additional capacity, please consider giving to RIRC research programs.