Os Steward receives NINDS Landis Award for Outstanding Mentorship
I’m thrilled and honored to let everyone know that I received a very unique award from The National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), one of the institutes comprising NIH. Read article here.
The Landis Award, named after previous NINDS Director Story Landis, isn’t a grant for research; instead, it is to recognize individuals who have been outstanding mentors over their career. The award is a huge honor, and includes adding $100,000 to an ongoing grant, which can be used to support future trainees. This will be a huge boost to what can be accomplished with the grant.
The Landis Mentorship Award is given annually, but for different career levels on a rotating basis (senior, intermediate, and junior investigator), so eligibility for nomination of people at each level happens only once every 3 years. The Award is given based on nominations and letters of support from previous trainees. I was hugely honored to be nominated and grateful to my current and previous trainees who were responsible for my nomination and wrote letters of support.